Woo EC Fes Japan 2020 Follow-up Content

Follow Up Contents

Follow-up content

Track A

Introduction to WooCommerce

Session page: https://wooecfes.jp/2020/session/s_1a_woocommerce/

Speaker: TANAKA Shohei (Shokunin Kobo Godo Kaisha)

Speaker's materials: not yet (none)

Video archive: https://youtu.be/31VFFLgtV78

Creating a shop for the first time - From opening a shop to attracting customers (using Instagram)

Session page: https://wooecfes.jp/2020/session/s_2a_makeshop/

Speaker: Taniura Nobuko (T.N.K.Japan), Miwa Norihiro (Auto Project Co., Ltd.)

Presentation materials

Attracting customers (using Instagram)

Video archive: https://youtu.be/NNvY1vb35s0

★Graphic report available

Creating a shop for the first time - Even with no code, you can sell in an original way!

Session page: https://wooecfes.jp/2020/session/s_3a_customize-function/

Speaker: SUGISHITA Chimasa (mille.)

Speaker's materials: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bP2Pfd5L9RPP3AHa5nNxbB-oUi8dmlb9/view?usp=sharing

Video archive: https://youtu.be/exv_Plfj7qc

Taking your store to the next level - WooCommerce is the only way to add a variety of features

Session page: https://wooecfes.jp/2020/session/s_4b_update_for_customize/

Speaker: MIWA Norihiro (Auto Project Co., Ltd.)

Speakers' materials:

Video archive: https://youtu.be/7jPI5ouJ3B0

Security of WooCommerce - Necessity and measures that even beginners can take immediately

Session page: https://wooecfes.jp/2020/session/s_5a_security/

Speaker: YOSHIDA Tetsuya (TY Planning Co., Ltd.)

Speaker's materials: https://speakerdeck.com/tetsu8yoshida/woocommercefalsesekiyuritei

Video archive: https://youtu.be/3ppj7T21P-A

Reference from the speaker.

JP-Secure Labs Report Vol.05
Points to be checked by EC site operators - Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan
(2) What is a strong password - Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
Secure Password Management - Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
http://www.soumu.go. jp/main_sosiki/joho_tsusin/security/business/staff/01.html

Discussion on Payment Companies

Session page: https://wooecfes.jp/2020/session/s_6a_payment/

Speakers: FUKUCHI Yume (Paidy Inc.), TASAKA Yoshiko (PayPal Pte. Ltd.), UNO Takayuki (Paygent Inc.)
Moderator: TANAKA Shohei

Video archive: https://youtu.be/BRyBAH4ywro

★Graphic report available

Track B

Don't just install it! WooCommerce Customization Basics

Session page: https://wooecfes.jp/2020/session/s_1b_woocommerce-customize/

Speaker: Tetsuya Imamura (AnimaGate, Inc.)

Speakers' materials:

Video archive: https://youtu.be/Aqs5TBeoxUA


Session page: https://wooecfes.jp/2020/s_2b_woocommerce/

Speaker: Jonathan Wold (WooCommerce Community lead)
Guest: Derek H. Wan

Video archive: https://youtu.be/c4AP4ZSlEG8

WooCommerce Compliant Theme Creators' Roundtable

Session page: https://wooecfes.jp/2020/s_3b_woocommerce_theme/

Speakers: Eiwa Ishikawa (Vector Inc.), Tetsuya Imamura (AnimaGate Inc.), Akira Iwamoto (Liquid Design Inc.), Takashi KITAJIMA (Monkey Wrench)

Moderator: Tanaka Shohei

Video archive: https://youtu.be/G7eZxTFZ3fY

★Graphic report available

Experience of actual store operators (panel discussion)

Session page: https://wooecfes.jp/2020/session/s_4a_discussion

Speaker: Dai Takahashi (Nidec Corporation), Narita (phenom)

Moderator: Tanaka Shohei

Video archive: https://youtu.be/lTcqJ2spqy0


Session page: https://wooecfes.jp/2020/session/s_5b_weglot/

Speaker: Weglot Ambassadors

Video archive:

Additional information from the speaker.

  • "If I stop using the WEGLOT plugin, will the translation data be lost?
    Translation data is saved in WEGLOT.
    supports export and import of translation data in CSV and XLIFF file formats. If necessary, the WEGLOT customer support team can also export the translations for your website.
    If you stop using WEGLOT, the language switcher will no longer appear on that website and you will no longer have access to the WEGLOT service.
  • WEGLOT looks easy to use. However, I want to know if I can migrate to other methods (or if I'm too locked in)."
    Unlike other plugins, WEGLOT does not make major changes to the database of your website to make it multilingual. Unlike other plugins, WEGLOT does not make major changes to the database of your website to make it multilingual. Therefore, when you disable the plugin, the website written in the original language remains as it is and can be used as it is. Therefore, there is no lock-in as experienced with other plugins. Since
    stores translation data in WEGLOT, you may think that this is a lock-in that prevents migration. However, we support exporting the translation data, so you can use it without worrying about lock-in.
  • I'm wondering if translating an LTR language into an RTL language will work...
    Yes, WEGLOT supports RTL languages written from right to left, such as Arabic.
    Note that Arabic takes up more horizontal space in the form of letters than English, so you will need to take this into account when localizing your website. However, WEGLOT offers a visual editor that allows you to edit translations on the website preview, preventing possible design errors caused by differences between languages.
    See this website as an example implementation, which supports the RTL language as well as the LTR language.
  • "Will WEGLOT convert text that is written directly into a template?
    Yes, no problem.
    WEGLOT automatically detects and translates all content, even if it is text written directly into a template.

Easily turn your WordPress media site into a subscription business with WooCoommerce

Session page: https://wooecfes.jp/2020/session/s_6b_woocommerce_subscriptions/

Speaker: OHGUSHI Hajime (mgn Corporation)

Speakers' materials:
https://paper.dropbox.com/published/WordPressWooCoomemerce-A~pPc6JN7TRNlq1Hzsm8hLlIBg- thMD9ao7ZtZye0yyw9oAHsE

Video archive: https://youtu.be/ax0NKAT2YkA

Supplementary information: You and Naoko Takano were talking about translation information in Slack about the translation of premium plugins? https://wooecfesjapan.slack.com/archives/C01BPTYQDKQ/p1603527784047000

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