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What is ◆oVice? oVice is a 2-dimensional virtual space where you can interact with other people using avatars. More than 10,000 users!

oVice is a two-dimensional virtual space where you can move your avatar freely on the website and easily talk to other people's avatars by bringing them closer.
Since the launch of the service in August last year, the number of spaces issued has exceeded 10,000 at the end of September this year, as the service has been used in a variety of situations, such as virtual offices for telework and online exhibitions that allow free access to everything from exhibitions to networking. At the end of September this year, the number of spaces issued exceeded 10,000.

Company profile

We develop and provide "oVice", a virtual space where you can move and talk freely, created with the mission to "eliminate physical constraints from people's lives".

In 2021, oVice was selected as one of the "100 Amazing Ventures" by Toyo Keizai Weekly. oVice has been used by more than 10,000 customers since its launch.

Latest news and articles

"Funding from Salesforce Ventures and KB Investment brings total Series A funding to ¥1.8 billion."

"Virtual office connects with the real world, Ovis joins forces with Ricoh"

"Put an end to the communication challenges of remote working! We've introduced oVice, an online community space, to our team."

Company information

Company Name : oVice K.K.
Location : E113 B Honfuchu-cho, Nanao-shi, Ishikawa
Representative : John Seh-hyun, President
Establishment February 2020
URL : https://ovice.in/ja/
Business : Development and provision of virtual offices and virtual spaces for use in online events.